About your READER

Why, hello there!

I’m Monica and I provide what I believe is a God-given energy to provide intuitive healing to people as a seer. My goal is to help you get clarification and confirmation on your darkest fears and concerns or your brightest hopes and dreams so you can manifest some really good things in your life!

I was inspired to do this work from the healing women in my family. In fact, my oldest known ancestor was a slave woman born in Mississippi in the early 1800s who, at the age of 11, worked as a nurse, likely using her own handmade medica since sophisticated medicine in those days was very primitive.

Over time, my intuition has helped friends navigate problematic relationships, get confirmation to very private and pressing questions about family and self, and even helped people determine what careers work best for them.

And now I offer that service to you!

I look forward to “seeing” what great manifestations are in store for you!

Magically Yours,
