1. What is it that you do? I am a seer. A seer is a person that, with deep mediation/prayer/divination, can “see” answers to questions in their mind. We are also called psychics, prophets, etc. But I prefer the term “seer.”

  2. Is this a scam?! I can assure you it is not. I believe I was called on this journey to provide a divine service to help others in their healing and curiosity journeys. Nothing more, nothing less. You are welcomed to work with me or not at your own will. 😊

  3. If my reading sucks, can I get a refund? I promise your reading wont suck! We will have a great time getting to the bottom of your questions! And while I do not offer refunds, you are welcomed to reschedule or postpone your reading at no charge.

  4. My fish died right before my reading! Can I get a refund? I will happily refund cancellations up to 30 minutes prior to your reading. RIP Little Fishie! 🐟

  5. What questions can I ask? Almost anything you like! But as a seer, I am not qualified to provide medical, legal, financial, or other professional services advice. That would be irresponsible of me and kinda illegal!

  6. I notice you only take PayPal for payment. Can I use something else? God invented CashApp for a reason teehee! If PayPal aint your jam, email me at monicagoesmeta@gmail.com and I will provide you other payment options!

  7. How will my reading be conducted? I will provide you a Zoom link or other similar service. If the technology Gods are not on our side, we can always get on the phone.

  8. I noticed you provide emergency readings? What are those? Emergency readings are done when you need to talk with me on very short term (like in the next 10 minutes!) outside my normal scheduled times.

  9. I reallllyyyy want to book a reading but you are not available at the desired time. Can you make an exception? Shoot me an email at monicagoesmeta@gmail.com and lets come up a time that works for both of us!